Networking Heroes

Back even before the Pandemic, there have been certain people who have given business advise and insights, not just as marketing strategy but with genuine generosity.

The Pandemic arrived and business’s were decimated , however some people set up on line networking and support groups. These were a life line to many and at the time I thought it was worthy of acknowledging .

Move on to opening up and I met my friend and fellow photographer Charlie Budd who stood out as one of those who facilitated many zooms with creatives and was always a positive fellow!

I was setting up for a shoot and asked him to step in so I could check the lighting, and I managed to get a strong portrait of Mr Budd and that began the project that is Network Hero’s.


I have gone on to take portraits of many that I consider Network hero’s, its an ongoing project and I hope to share some portraits of those who have been and continue to be stars of the Networking universe.

I am actively seeking new subjects and am happy to receive nominations.

I do have a list, so it would be great to hear if your ideas coincide?

See the collection grow here – Network Hero’s